Hydrogen Cogeneration
Decarbonizing the industrial sectors will be vital to achieving the 2050 carbon neutrality target set by the EU and Japan. A step towards decarbonization and transition to hydrogen is the full or partial utilization of green hydrogen, which is considered the future fuel.
Together with our Engineering and R&D company AYED-ENGINEERING, we offer partnerships with customers and technology companies to finance, build and develop H2 pilot plants for new hydrogen-fueled processes at the customer's site. The pilot project can comprise the production of green hydrogen from renewable resources, storage of H2, combustion of H2 using in-house developed industrial burner technologies, application for CHP including steam or hot water generation, and direct drying.
Due to the lack of infrastructure and current high costs of its production, which are hindering its widespread use, Meta Power Systems also offers gas engines and gas turbines ready for co-firing a mixture of H2 and NG for power generation and CHP applications.

Realized by our partner Kawasaki, the first-of-its-kind 100% H2 operated CHP plant was successfully tested and demonstrated in Kobe, Japan, with a 1,8 MWe Kawasaki GT.